Denaro Takes helm of NHFCR
July 1, 2020
MANCHESTER, NH - Today Chairman Matt Denaro, along with his new executive board, officially begins his term as the chairman of the New Hampshire Federation of College Republicans.
Denaro is currently enrolled as a rising Senior at Saint Anselm College. He has most recently served as Chair of the Saint Anselm College Republicans. Alongside Denaro is the NH Performance administration, consisting of Treasurer Kevin Chrisom of Saint Anselm, Secretary Lydia Mardin of Keene State College, and Vice Chairs Dylan Bridge and Joe LaCreta of Southern New Hampshire University and Plymouth State University, respectively.
Joining the team are Executive Director Brendan Flaherty of Saint Anselm College and Communications Director Sebastian Sharonov of Southern New Hampshire University.
"Its an honor to get the nod from Matt; we work incredibly well together, and there are certainly many challenges facing the NHFCR for this election cycle in particular that we are confident that we can tackle head-on" Flaherty said.
At the beginning of his term, Denaro released the following statement:
"I would like to thank everyone involved with the federation whether on our executive board or in our chapters for their incredible dedication to getting the word out about our Republican message, especially now in the age of social distancing. It is as important as ever, if not more important, to remain committed to reaching out to voters and talking, talking, talking. I’d also like to thank those who supported this new team for their confidence in our ability to lead the Federation. Our team is ready to exceed all expectations this cycle, and we’re feeling the the challenge now more than ever. We all know that 2020 is going to be an important year for the Republican party and how our future is shaped as a state and as a nation. The NHFCR and its chapters are going to be a critical factor in the 2020 cycle.
If the last few months have shown the country anything, its that we’re ready to channel the hard work we’ve put in over the last four years and perform beyond all expectations.”