Extending the general election season means extending opportunities for college students
Concord, NH—On Friday January 29th, Second Vice Chairman Joe LaCreta testified before the Election law committee during hearings for HB98.
There are several reasons to support moving our State Primary day back from September, to June. Of course, it gives more breathing room to challengers, promotes party unity, and has the potential to eliminate “voter fatigue” in the fall, where elections are held back-to-back. For college students, spreading out the primary and general election means better opportunities for campaign work (whether for credit or not), and can help ensure election integrity for New Hampshire voters.
Our Second Vice Chairman, Joe LaCreta, testified before the Election Law committee today to express his support for this bill, which he sees as a pathway to engage younger voters here in New Hampshire.
“I know for a fact that our elected officials would prefer that more young people be politically involved and really develop an appreciation of the democratic-republic system we have…” LaCreta said. “...By moving the primary, I believe it will have a positive and lasting impact on Granite State youth for generations to come.”
The NHFCR fully supports moving the State Primary election back to June in the hopes of building party unity sooner, for ensuring election integrity, and for enhancing the opportunities for campaign work to all, including college students.