Passen named to granite list


Manchester, NH—On Monday November 23, 2020, as part of his State of the Federation letter, State Chair Matt Denaro announced that Former State Chair Dan Passen was named an honorary member of the Granite List. The statement is below:

I want to take a moment to recognize a person who was incredibly helpful to us as my administration gained its footing. Our transition happened as soon as all of our campuses sent us home early in March. Most of our chapters hadn’t held elections, we couldn’t meet with them or the outgoing administration to discuss strategy; it was even a challenge to get all of our necessary documents together! One person stood as our go-to “coach” of sorts. We could rely on him to give us a guiding hand, or push us in the right direction when it was difficult to find the right path forward. Of course, that is in the very character of our coach, the definition of professionalism, Dan Passen. It is my honor to announce today that Mr. Passen is being named an honorary member of the Granite List for everything he has done in helping us along the way through this most challenging but successful election season. On behalf of the board, thank you Dan.


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