College Republicans Call for UNH to Suspend NextGen

News / By Kaylyn Marcotte

Concord, NH – Today, the Union Leader reported that NextGen, a far-left activist group, may have played a heavy role in the alleged voter fraud committed by UNH student, Spencer McKinnon. New Hampshire Federation of College Republicans State Chairman, Dan Passen, released the following statement: 

“Once again, it appears that NextGen has played a critical role in the deception of an unaware college student in an effort to advance their dangerous, far-left propaganda. The actions of NextGen are dangerous to the integrity of our political process and this story further proves that our universities must stand up against the lies and corruption that Tom Steyer works to spread. Our students deserve a fair and balanced understanding of our political candidates and should never feel intimidated, harassed, or coerced to support or vote for any particular candidate. We call on the University of New Hampshire to reprimand NextGen by suspending the organization from their campus and university-affiliated activities for the duration of the case involving Spencer McKinnon.”


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