College Republicans Applaud President Trump on Free Speech Order

News / By Kaylyn Marcotte

Concord, NH – Today, President Trump signed an executive order that will withhold federal funding from publicly funded colleges and universities that do not protect the First Amendment rights of their students and faculty. Dan Passen, State Chairman of the New Hampshire Federation of College Republicans, released the following statement regarding the order:

“The accomplishments continue to pile up for the Trump administration, and this executive order certainly hits home for College Republicans here in the Granite State and across the nation. The President could not have signed the order at a better time, as conservatives are under constant attack on their campuses. Finally, biased, far-left professors and administrators will be held accountable for their dangerous silencing and censoring of students. Conservative students, thanks to the help of President Trump, will finally have transparency in the classroom and on campus – no longer will they be forced to remain silent about the liberal propaganda forced upon them. This is a huge victory for students everywhere. Thank you, President Trump!”


Shairs Elected State Chairman of NH College Republicans


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